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West Kalimantan Province 2019 General Election Violation by Region

Data view dari berkas West Kalimantan Province 2019 General Election Violation by Region
Bawaslu Bengkayang44
Bawaslu Kapuas Hulu16
Bawaslu Kayong Utara9
Bawaslu Ketapang8
Bawaslu Kota Pontianak25
Bawaslu Kubu Raya11
Bawaslu Landak7
Bawaslu Melawi8
Bawaslu Mempawah12
Bawaslu Prov. Kalimantan Barat19
Bawaslu Sambas14
Bawaslu Sanggau29
Bawaslu Sekadau19
Bawaslu Singkawang10
Bawaslu Sintang7